英文文章 <保护野生动物> 哪里有

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:27:00

Natural disaster cause animals to become extincrion.But almost all wildlife extinctions are caused by human beings. Men made dam and road,cut forests and polluted the water. Case of humans catch the wild animals to have pets are hundreds and hundreds.Wildlife in many rainforests in danger of extinctio as rainforests are destroing.

In order to protect wildlife, we, as human beings, should practice a greener lifestyle. By conserving water and fossil fuels, we will be helping to protect the wildlife around ourselves. We should try to ake public transportation when we can, turn off electric devices when we're not using them. We should also become knowledgeable about what contributes to global warming, which disrupts migration patterns and habitats. Also, we should try to avoid disrupting the natural ecosystem in our area. Non-native plants or animals can wreck havoc on habitats, particularly if there is no natural predator to keep the species in check. Invasive plants can